Maps of Setomaa

Here you find different maps of Setomaa.

  • On Seto Café Day, you have the opportunity to visit cozy pop-up cafes, farmsteads and some surprising venues as well. On that day, you will hear the sounds of musical instruments and traditional Seto singing called Seto leelo, see the beauty of Seto traditional clothes and have the dishes made using grandmothers’ recipes caress your tastebuds. Enjoy traditional Seto dishes as well as new delicacies made of local produce. Let the hospitality of Setos entertain you!

    You are welcome to enjoy our café day

    ON SATURDAY, 10 AUGUST 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. NB! ObiNizza Üülokaal (Night Club) is open until midnight on Saturday!
    ON SUNDAY (Leftover day) 11 AUGUST 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. On Sunday, the cooks look into the kitchen and serve what they still have left from the previous day.

    Every café has a marking whether it’s open only on Saturday (Sat) or on both days (Sa, Su). In 2024, there are 27 cafes located along the 100-kilometer route of the Seto Village Belt. 

    Additional information: Liis Kogerman,, +37258100443

  • People have inhabited Värska for about 5000 years. It has been an important port, as it is located in a deep bay. Up until the WW II, most of the cargo transit was done with vessels, and Värska was one of the key ports for traders from Pskov.

    Värska is the center of the Setomaa rural municipality, with about 500 inhabitants. It is a great place to live: there are bright pine forests, golden chanterelles and deep primeval valleys. Värska offers a great variety of activities for all ages. The local people love orienteering and skiing, as well as handicraft and Seto leelo, the traditional singing tradition. The Värska sanatorium, which makes a smart use of the local resources such as lake mud and mineral water, is a well-known place for all Estonians.


    Additional information: Setomaa Turism,, +372 56821268

  • This is like the backbone or axis of Setomaa, to which are fastened villages, churches, cafes, museums, and the like. One end of the Külavüü is at Võõpsu, Setomaa's northern gateway, and it winds through Värska and Saatse to Obinitsa and Meremäe, making knots through neighboring places -- like Tsiistre in Võrumaa -- and then ending at the Luhamaa border crossing. This imaginary line could also move forward through the historic heart of Setomaa, which is currently part of the Russian Federation.

    Additional information: Setomaa Turism,, +372 56821268