Pullijärv Hiking Trails

Misso, Rõuge vald

Located next to the community of Misso, Pullijärv is a nice place to spend some time.  If you don't feel like swimming, you can hike around the lake: the 3.6-kilometer-long trail is just the right length for the whole family. The trail rises here and there too: boys used to do ski jumps from its highest point onto the lake in winter. 

The trail begins and ends at the RMK Pullijärv rental hut, which is located on the north shore of the lake. In spring and fall, the trail can be really wet.
Related sites:
Pullijärv Hiking Trails . Distance 0 km.
Kirikumäe Hiking Trails. Distance 14 km.
Nopri Dairy Farm. Distance 6 km.
Tsiistre Flax Museum. Distance 9 km. 

MTÜ Setomaa Turism
+372 5682 1268
Misso, Rõuge vald